- 言い逃れをする、言い抜ける、(疑念{ぎねん}?困難{こんなん}などを)説明{せつめい}して取り除く
He will try to explain away the loss by citing bad exchange rates. 彼はその損失を、為替レートの悪さのせいにして言い逃れしようとするだろう。
explain away 意味
- based on particulate evidence . that can be easily explain away in court .
法廷で簡単に 言い逃れできるわよ - how are you guys gonna explain away a town ... that's either wiped out or reduced to mindlessness ?
どう説明する? 街全体が狂っている 他に言うことはないか
- "explain an idea to" 意味
- "explain an importance of" 意味
- "explain apologetically" 意味
- "explain at great length" 意味
- "explain at length" 意味
- "explain away the books" 意味
- "explain away the evidence" 意味
- "explain away the situation" 意味
- "explain briefly" 意味
- "explain at great length" 意味
- "explain at length" 意味
- "explain away the books" 意味
- "explain away the evidence" 意味